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I’m sure many of you have heard or read the joke, “If you are what you eat then I am cheap and fast.”  All kidding aside think about the things you eat, and not just the stuff you put into your mouth as fuel for your body.

This week has been quite hectic for us at Technology Workgroup and getting the right diet keeps you running longer and faster.  I got to thinking about this even more after reading a post by Seth Godin this week entitled, “Expose Yourself“.  Seth talked about things we expose ourselves to and the impact they can have on us.  I felt this is a lot like a diet only for the soul, body, and mind.

One of the biggest mistakes I make is to not feed my head with enough “good food” sometimes.  How can I continue to teach if I don’t myself continue to learn.  I also need to remember that there is more on the menu than burgers and fries.  I need to be sampling the sweet, sour, bland, and exotic.  I also need to cook up things for people to try so I get exposed to criticism and praise.

I encourage you to stop eating the same old thing, go hang out with your clients, look for the out of the way places to feed your head with new ideas.  Stop sitting in the same watering hole every day and read a new blog, online magazine, or case study.  Try to listen to what people are really needing and stop trying to figure out how to create the next killer application or idea. It is out there you just need to listen and take action.

Finally start cooking up stuff and giving it away.  Technology Workgroup has just recently taken on a case study and we are doing it for free.  In the process of feeding someone else we are getting fed.  It is not always about the money.  Yes I said it, it is not about money all the time.  I have been absorbing all kinds of recipes and I have a willing set of dinner guests that are going to let me cook for them.  I am going to let them hang out in the kitchen, go to the market, and we are going to prepare a feast.  In the process we are going to form a new friendship, a new partnership, and grow some business.  In the end we will charge for others to have a seat and learn that like us, you are what you eat.

Michael & Dee Mock

Technology Workgroup